turned TO this!
Sue initially rent out my wedding dress. I've gotten a lot of responses, however when it comes to fitting the dress on the bridetobe, all of them tak dpt to get to wear it. One of the girl seems soo slim and tall, from first glance, I thought to myself, she can wear it fine, but tak dpt zip up! I was disappointed as well as them. So, I decided to sell it , one because its really hard to find the right girl to rent, and ramai yang interested to buy it to resize it. secondly, I'm so far away from home to manage it.
I got to sell it at last..in September this year. A guy asked me about the dress through FB to arrange for his gf who works in Vietnam. I was very pleased to deal with them, everything seems so easy, the girl tried the dress and fits her beautifully. That's what the girl and my sister said. I was actually very happy that! At last..there's another girl fits the dress..
It was hard to let go, but I guess its for a good cause! because I got myself the PB! For something that instead of keeping the dress in my cupboard, I got to wear PB for everyday for an exchange!
So I started to wear PB on the 22nd September, ordered all the way from Malaysia. Arranged by a friend of mine here thru her sister. very easy to deal with too. no hassle at all. Alhamdullilah.
2Months + today, with tak regular pakai PB sgt. Issue that I ada with PB is I could not get PB to dry out overnight, at times it takes 2 days to kering mainly because weather. Now is winter, approx 5 to 10 Celsius. later expected to zero n minus degrees, snow in Dec,Jan..
However I can see positive effects, not in KGs tho.. more on skin texture I can see better skin, and my pregnancy stretch mark dah reduced sgt! My boobies dah in better shape n terletak, yes, I still breastfeed Adriana, alhamdullilah. Milk lagi banyak on the days pakai PB. My waist dah ada shape and my bulging tummy dah reduced! Hubby said he can see a lot of changes. that makes me =) happy!
PB is so comfortable and it gives you a good posture bila sit in the office.I used to have a serious problem with my spine/back, and PB does helps. I bought a few Spanx before PB ni, ranging from the the murah to mahal, I beli byk range, but they are incomparable to PB. I tak pernah rasa sakit masa pakai PB.
I really hope I can see changes in my berat in the next coming months. My pre pregnancy weight was 48kgs, but I just need 50kgs! now still 55,54kgs, so I really hope I can shed this 5 kgs. Start with makan malam yang lambat..cuz of my hectic life being a working mom! Need to change that, hopefully soon!